St. Columba Parish is called by Jesus to "Go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
Tues. Mar. 4th 2:15PM - Burning of the Palms - School Playground
Wed. Mar. 5th - Ash Wednesday - A day of fast and abstinence - Masses: 8:15AM w/ the school, 6PM
Friday Mar. 7th - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration and Reconciliation - 4:30PM
Tues. Mar. 11th - Stations of the Cross w/School - 2:15PM
Friday Mar. 14th - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration (No Reconciliation) - 4:30PM
Friday Mar. 21st - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration and Reconciliation - 4:30PM
Tues. Mar. 25th - Stations of the Cross w/School - 2:15PM
Friday Mar. 28th - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration and Reconciliation - 4:30PM
Tues. Apr. 1st - Stations of the Cross w/School - 2:15PM
Friday Apr. 4th - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration and Reconciliation - 4:30PM
Tues. Apr. 8th - Stations of the Cross w/School - 2:15PM
Thurs. Apr. 10th - School Lenten Penance Service - 8:15AM
Friday - Apr. 11th - A day of abstinence - Stations of the cross w/Adoration and Reconciliation - 4:30PM
Tues. Apr. 15th - Living Stations of the Cross w/School - 2:15PM
Thurs. Apr. 17th - Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00PM
Fri. Apr. 18th - A day of fast and abstinence - Good Friday - Commemoration of the Lord's Passion 7:00PM
Sat. Apr. 19th - Easter Vigil - 8:30PM
Sun. Apr. 20th - Easter Sunday - Masses at 8AM and 10AM (no 4PM)
Lenten Small Group Study 2025 is available for all parishioners who would like to participate on your own, with family, or with friends. Those interested can pick up a packet at the parish office or access the study online below.
New Paragraph
The Sunday Spotlight is our weekly newsletter & it's full of information about our parish community.
It arrives every Thursday morning, giving you a 'heads up' on weekend events and announcements.
It includes videos, photos, valuable Catholic resources and links to events and happenings.
Saturday at 5PM
Sunday at 10AM and 4PM
Tuesday 12PM
Wednesday School Mass 8:15AM
Friday 12PM
Adoration and Reconciliation:
Friday: Fr. John will be in the Reconciliation room in the church from 4:30 to 5:30. No appointment is necessary.
(Sunday 10AM & Wed. Mass is live-streamed on our YouTube channel)
Monday 7am to 5pm
Tuesday 7am to 12 Noon & 1pm to 5pm
Wednesday 7am to 5pm
Thursday 7am to 5pm
Friday 7am to 12 Noon and 1pm to 5pm
Saturday 7am to 5pm
Sunday 11:30 to 5pm
We are eager to see you and worship together.
Or join us on Thursdays at 10:15 in the fellowship hall at Sacred Heart Church.
Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri
8AM-12PM & 1-3PM
Wed 8AM-12PM
Phone: 970-247-0044
Fax: 970-385-5737
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